Welcome to our New Year's Day Serenity at Six Speaker Jam!
Hello and welcome to our Serenity at Six 2025 New Years’ Day Speaker Jam!
We have seven speakers, each speaking at the top of the hour, every hour, from 10am until 5pm.
I’m an addict, my name is ___ and I will be our secretary for this hour.
Our speaker for this hour is ___.
Our host for this hour is ___.
Our co-host for this hour is ___.
I will read our Clarity Statement:
“We are presented with a dilemma; when NA members identify themselves as “addicts and alcoholics”, or talk about living “clean and sober”, the clarity of the NA message is blurred. To speak in this manner suggests that there are two diseases, that one drug is somehow separate from the rest, requiring special recognition. Narcotics Anonymous makes no distinction between drugs. Our identification as addicts is all-inclusive, which allows us to concentrate on our similarities, not our differences.”
I will read our Safety Statement from IP No. 29:
“We strongly discourage any harassment, threats, or disturbing behavior before, during, and after our meetings. This includes unwelcome sexual, romantic, financial, and religious solicitation. Our meetings are for sharing NA recovery. If you feel harassed or threatened, share your concerns with the meeting leader or a trusted servant.”
Let’s start this meeting with the We and Us version of the Serenity Prayer, for those who care to join.
“God, grant us the serenity, to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Thank you.